ISACA membership is made up of County Auditors and their staff from all 99 counties in Iowa. The full membership meets at least three times a year. There are also six ISACA Districts within the state that meet regularly.

The ISACA goals are:

  1. to maintain a permanent organization to promote cooperation among Iowa counties
  2. to promote standardization of practices in order to increase efficiency and reduce costs
  3. to allow a platform for continuing education and networking of ideas
  4. to identify common problems of members and assist in developing solutions
  5. to advise and share information with the Iowa General Assembly on matters important to members
  6. to identify and seek legislation necessary to provide sound local services

These ISACA officers welcome you:

ISACA Officers

Legislative Representatives

ISAC Representative

EAC Representative

NACo Representatives

District Presidents

District Map

ISACA Regional Districts

Meet Our Auditors

Floyd County

Gloria Carr
Charles City, Iowa

Auditor Information

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